Friday, April 25, 2008

Fitness Guru...

I have slacking off lately on this blog thing...thought i would update...

I am super excited for my first 5k!!!! It will held at Sugarhouse Park and it will be for Domestic Violence and Suicide. Both very good causes and if you know me, you know that I am a strong advocate for both. ( clarification: not that I condone both; I am an advocate against it...make sense?)

I have never done a 5k at all and so this is a new challenge for me. I am very up to this challenge.

Since January, I have made a goal to work out at least 3-4 times a week and for the most part I have kept that goal. I am very proud of myself. and in the process I have lost 10 lbs!!!! hard work, patience, persistance, does pay off. I still want to shed 10 more pounds and I will be at my ideal weight!!! I am so more motivated than ever to accomplish this

Ok back to the 5k...Sandy, Frank, and Hanh Nghi will be doing the 5k with me. All of them are so sweet for doing this with me. I am truly lucky to have people in my life that dont flake out and support everything I do....

I have also set another goal for myself. Before I turn the age of 30, I want to do a marathon!!!! People dont believe me, but I think, I know, that I can accomplish this goal. marathons are tough and people that do marathons are so amazing. I hope one day that I can build enough endurance to last.

I want to do half marathons for a couple of years first and then tackle on the big marathon!!!

Fitness guru???? no...just want to keep fit and have a goal worth telling people about...